Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week 2: Post your Blog Entries as Comments to my Main Post Each Week

Post by Sunday at midnight.

CHECK THE KOOKMIN 'CYBERCAMPUS' WEBSITE. More readings have been posted.


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  2. 1. Ryu, Kang Wook
    2. Economic worth of assets
    3. This article is about a big issue in korea,
    which is 'Free Lunch'. Currently, City Seoul
    has confirmed that they would offer a free
    lunch to all the primary kids by 2012.
    However, Mayor of Seoul is opposing the
    issue as it is for the unfortunate kids who
    can't afford it, but also for the kids who
    could afford to pay for the meal. In my
    opinion, i agree with the mayor. Free lunch
    has to be limited to the kids who can't
    afford it, not the kids who can. It's
    because they could use those remaining tax
    money to the other unfortunate people
    outside the schools. It's wouldn't be
    a 'waste' even if they offer to all of them,
    but it could be a 'misuse' of money.
    4. His(mayor) belief is based on common sense: Given the city’s limited resources, poor children would eventually have greater benefits if well-to-do parents paid for lunch for their children. Nonetheless, the city council, which is under the control of the opposition Democratic Party, passed an ordinance in favor of free lunch for all schoolchildren.

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  4. 1.Lee chang woo
    2.A Conflicts between labor and management
    & student movement.
    3.In the free market environment, labor problem is unavoidable.In this article we can see Labor issues are not just confined to the concerned, fired Labors, but included lots of university students. They gathered to fight against a corporate giant, named 'Russell Athletic'.
    This nation's leading sportswear companies fired 1,200 workers in Honduras when they closed their factory soon after the workers had unionized.
    Usually there were many former strifes that took place by university students but most of those trilas were buried under the ground.
    But in this article we can find out the Russell Athletic, to agree to rehire 1,200.
    I think these kinds of participation is necessary to settle a quarrel.
    4.The often raucous student movement announced on Tuesday that it had achieved its biggest victory by far. Its pressure tactics persuaded one of the nation’s leading sportswear companies, Russell Athletic, to agree to rehire 1,200 workers in Honduras who lost their jobs when Russell closed their factory soon after the workers had unionized.

  5. 1.Kang Kyung-Min
    2.Elderly suicides
    3.This article is about increasing suicide ratio for elders in S.Korea. According to the article, the suicide ratio for those aged over 65 jumped to 77 per 100,000 population in 2009, an over five-fold surge from 14 recorded in 1990. There are several reasons why suicide for senior is increasing. First of all, as korea society has polarized quickly, seniors who have no economic power are hard to stand on their own feet.
    The society is changed to more competitive and more egoistic now. Sometimes we can see the news that if elder do not have their own economic resources such as money or real estate and so on, nobody want to care of them in spite of their children. Second, Some of elders think that it's better to suicide so as to not burden their children with economic things. This is really ridiculous situation. Because most of korean parents spend their whole life raising their kids and after growing them, parents just are reluctant to ask for help to their children due to that reason. According to a report by Statistics Korea, the ratio of those
    aged 65 or older to the nation's total population will likely grow to 38.2 percent in 2050. Hence this social trend will be more prevalent in the future.
    4.'As a considerable number of seniors faces aging without much preparation, senior suicides can become a social disaster in the future' - As we know, korean society has been growing quickly for a short period than other developed countries. And social problems like 'elders suicide' more quickly happen as much as in that short time without any preparation. So I feel that we have to make some policies related to elder suicide and social welfare at national level.

  6. 1. Suh Jin Hwang
    2. Homosexuality
    3. Homosexuality has existed for quite a long time. However, in many societies they try to avoid and eliminate it. Some people think it's inappropriate while others think it's just natural. 'Life is Beautiful' a SBS drama that showed a bit of gay relationship was censured by many people. On the other hand, there were many supporters of the tv program. If I were in one of the two groups, I would be in the supporting group. Whether the homosexuality is natural or unnatural I think accept it, and those who are homosexual. Some might be gay because they were born that way and some might have gone through problems which made them that way. Whichever it is I think we should respect them all.
    4.The SBS drama “Life is Beautiful” celebrated when the network announced recently that it would air 13 additional episodes of the show. It was a significant milestone for any program, but even more so for the first drama about an openly gay couple in a society that is still conservative when it comes to sexuality.
    Critics say that the program’s success reflects the Korean public’s increasing tolerance of homosexuality, but continuing controversy over the drama has also exposed a rift within the Christian community between groups that support the drama and those that believe it is inappropriate for evening television.
    One of the groups that has raised the most objections to the drama is the Christian organization Esther Praying Movement.
    “I don’t understand why there is a homosexual couple on a TV drama, which is supposed to be for families,” Lee Yong-hee, 51, a member of the group and a professor at Kyungwon University, wrote on the group’s Web site. “Seeing two guys hugging each other implies they are having a sexual relationship.”
    But not all Christians agree.
    Jung Hae-joon, a pastor at Korean Christian Presbyterian Church, says that gay people should get the same respect as everyone else.
    Korean society has been slow to accept homosexuality in its ranks

  7. 1. Jiyoung Park
    2. U.K. Takes Gentle Approach on Gender Equality
    3. I agree with the idea that companies should be encouraged to have more female leaders rather than under compulsion because there are a lot of women who have got potential and I think it would be such a waste of talent those women cannot be recognized. Some people say that women don’t have much experience in business area but I think that it would be a good chance to hire them since there had not been many female directors so they could suggest different perspectives from men leaders. Also, I believe that women could bring a lot of advantages to markets since half of the buyers are women as well. I think companies should concentrate more on the good aspects that women would bring if they become leaders of corporations.
    4. Today, Lord Davies, who led the government inquiry into gender inequality, opted for the former, more palatable approach, recommending that FTSE 100 companies should aim to have women make up at least 25% of their boards by 2015. ... The U.K. is far from alone in its grapple with gender equality. ... Other countries have chosen to deal with the gender imbalance by enforcing a compulsory quota. ... For now the U.K. is choosing the gentler approach of encouraging companies to hire more women directors — tickling them into submission.

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  10. 1. Lim Ji Hyeok
    2. Centers help immigrant workers find jobs
    3. In these days immigrant workers get inequall teatment about working in Korea. By this reason it was big issue between immigrant workers and companies. To negotiate government planned to help immingrant workers by provide services and suopport like teaching skills and give imformations about jobs to help them to achieve 'Korea Dream'. I think this scheme is very suitable in this case. If immigrant workers get abilities and skills they can be compete with other workers and they would not be a lower social level any more. Of course it can jeopardaize Korean workers but it is not unfair plan because government just adjust the balance beween immigrant and domestic workers. Then immigrant workers' social inequallity will be relaxed. Also if they compete we can get better results. By these reasons i support goverment's decision.
    4.The Seoul Metropolitan Government said Thursday it will step up its efforts to help immigrant workers change their career or those who are jobless find a new job. The city is running seven support centers in Youngdeungpo, Geumcheon, Sungdong, Eunpyeong, Gangdong, Sungbuk and Yangcheon where the population of immigrant workers is relatively high.


  11. 1. Nahm Younho

    2.cosmetic 설화수, 헤라 "there are reasons for high price"

    3. No.1 domestic cosmetics industry, Amore Pacific forced to prevent sale discounts. And they received the corrective orders from the Fair Trade Commission.
    FTC officials " Sales carrier prohibited conduct for the sale. It violates the Fair Trading Act," said, "If premium brands, such as 설화수 are lowered the price, chain of sub-brands-Laneige, IOPE- also lowered the price," he said.
    Specifically in the last year in G20, 설화수 is gifted to First Lady has received attention.

    * Brand has also inequality effect that depends on who you are !

    아모레퍼시픽, 방문판매시 `할인판매`금지
    공정위, 시정명령 부과

    이데일리 | 최정희 | 입력 2011.03.13 12:01

    [이데일리 최정희 기자] 국내 화장품업계 1위인 아모레퍼시픽(주)이 설화수, 헤라를 방문판매하면서 `가격할인`을 하지 못하도록 강제한 것으로 드러나 공정거래위원회로부터 시정명령을 받았다.

    13일 공정위에 따르면 아모레퍼시픽은 2008년부터 지난해 초까지 자신이 제조·판매하는 `설화수`, `헤라` 등 프리미엄급 브랜드 화장품 방문판매업자들에게 할인판매를 하면 계약을 해지하겠다며 가격할인을 금지했다.

    또 할인 판매한 방판사업자는 6개월간 전산관리를 했으며 방문판매 영업부서가 할인판매 현장점검을 소홀히 할 경우 예산을 깎고 인사상 불이익을 주기도 했다.

    공정위 관계자는 "방판사업자에 대한 할인판매 금지행위는 공정거래법 위반행위"라며 "설화수 등 프로미엄급 브랜드 판매가격이 인하될 경우 라네즈, 아이오페 등 아모레퍼시픽의 하위브랜드도 연쇄적으로 가격이 인하될 것"이라고 밝혔다.

    아모레퍼시픽은 국내 화장품 시장(점유율 35%), 국내 화장품 방문판매 시장(55%), 국내 프리미엄급 화장품 시장(28%)에서 모두 1위를 점유하고 있다(2009년 기준). 특히 할인이 금지된 `설화수`는 지난해 G20서울정상회의에서 20개국 영부인에게 선물로 지급돼 관심을 받은 바 있다.


  12. 1. Soo Min Park
    2. Discrimination in Korea
    3. This article is about discrimination against foreign immigrants in Korea.
    What would it be like if your neighbor is a family from China or Taiwan?
    Simply this is not a question whether you are open minded person or not.
    Even though Korea is putting much effort to become a multi-cultural society, still there is a prejudice exists against foreign immigrants.
    The data showed that 20 percent of immigrants from Northeast Asian nations, including China and Taiwan, suffered unequal treatment.
    Solutions for this problems was to break off prejudice against immigrants, open our minds and understand their culture...What a obvious solutions? I guess more detailed solutions are needed to solve this.
    4. South Korea still has a long way to go before becoming a full-fledged multicultural society. The reason is because different types of discrimination exist against foreign residents. It goes without saying that such discrimination is a main factor impeding the nation’s efforts to open its doors wider to foreign professionals and laborers.
    Equal treatment and equal opportunities are the measurement of human rights and democracy. Treating members of our society differently in terms of race and color means that Korea is not a country fully respecting human dignity and practicing a democratic way of life. Thus, we have to view ourselves in the mirror of foreign residents. Then we should open our minds and embrace immigrants with open arms. Most of all, Koreans must make concerted efforts to understand immigrants’ culture.
    Basically, Koreans are kind and hospitable to guests ― whoever they are locals or foreigners. However, a lack of cultural understanding sows the seeds of prejudice and discrimination. Efforts by individuals alone to overcome this problem are not sufficient. For this reason, the state needs to work together with provincial and municipal authorities, civic groups and communities to provide systematic educational and cultural programs to better understand foreign residents.

  13. 1.YIN YASHUO
    2.About high price
    3.I don`t think there are so many reasons for high prices. To some degree, the raising of prices can make profits for the companies . However, it reduces more difficulities for common people especially for the poor people. What we should notice is that the goal of developting economy is satisifing people`s daily life, raising their life standard,making people feel happy . But the high price , I mean the greant change in price , may lead to the society become unsteady,unharmonious. So I diasgree.
